Our Mission
Create self-sustaining financial freedom for individuals & communities throughout South Carolina
Our Community...Our Responsibility
The Assets & Opportunity Scorecard ranks South Carolina 48th, near-worst, among states when it comes to financial household security. The 2013 study found that "47.2% of South Carolina households are liquid asset poor, which means that they have less than 3 months of savings to fall back on in the event of a job loss, health crisis or other income-disrupting emergency."
In addition, the housing crisis led to drastic home price declines and higher unemployment in South Carolina. Families in our communities have been particularly hard hit by this crisis as they have struggled to make their monthly mortgage payments. Global Alliance Inc. (GAI) is a 501 (c) 3, not for profit organization established to contribute to the economic development of communities throughout South Carolina. We provide education, counseling and professional networks to minorities and low to moderate income persons in the areas of home ownership, financial literacy and self-empowerment. Best Practices
GAI uses the guidelines of the National Standards for Adult Financial Literacy Education. Click Here to read the guidelines.
Part of your heritage in this society is the opportunity to become financially independent. South Carolina Facts